
Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Rainbow Brush Painting Contest at Gencon/Wamp

Earlier today, I found out about an awesome little competition that will be taking place soon called The Rainbow Brush. In fact, there will actually be two Rainbow Brush contests - One at Gencon 2015, and one that runs parallel online over at Wamp for everyone else who can't make it, such as us Brits. 

Instead of repeating myself at all, here is the description of the event straight from the horses's mouth, Marike Reimer on her site Destroyer Minis.

"For Gencon 2015, I am organizing a special painting contest because I am really saddened that the Religious Freedom bill passed in Indiana, home of Gencon.  I want to do my part to make sure that everyone feels welcome at the convention, but more than that, I feel that Gamers have a unique culture of inclusivity and I want to celebrate that too.  I have been a part of this great community for many years, and it has always struck me how little our politics and ideologies divide us.
This will be a large undertaking, because such a celebration should be as spectacular as effort can make it. I welcome anyone who wants to help by contributing ideas, donating prize support, or just sharing updates on social media.
I don’t have all the details ironed out yet, but I want to get this page up so that everyone can see where the project is at, and where it’s headed.
Here’s the general outline of the contest:
The Gencon Event:
This will be held at Gencon in Indianapolis as an add-on to the main event, and all entries will be subject to the rules of the main event (found here).  There will be a form to fill out indicating that you want to participate in the contest.
In order to enter your mini in the contest, it will need to have each color of the rainbow represented.
Prize support will be along the following lines:
Technical Merit:
  • 1st Place – Tier 1 prize
  • 2nd Place – Tier 2 prize
  • 3rd Place – Tier 3 prize
 Best Interpretation:
Ordinarily when I judge painting contests I’m a real stickler about technique – blends must be perfect, highlights must be consistent, etc, etc…  This limits the winners to the people who have spent years refining their painting skills.   I’m aware that this leaves many great pieces unrecognized, which would be really unfortunate in a contest about inclusivity.
Judges Favorites:
If there are enough entries, I may have prize support for a “Judges Favorites” category as well.  I have judged many contests and sometimes there are pieces where that just break my heart because I can’t give them an award.
The Online Event:
How silly would it be to hold a contest celebrating inclusivity without allowing everyone to participate?  Not everyone can make it to Gencon, and not everyone wants to go, but many want to participate in this event regardless.  The solution is to have an online contest.
The excellent folks of WAMP Forums have agreed to host the online branch of the contest.   This contest will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place determined by online voting, as well as an award for judge’s favorite."
The direct link to the Wamp Contest page can be found right here.
Without delving into either politics or religion, I like the idea of the contest and the spirit in which it is being put together in supporting an idea, so I'll definitely be getting an entry sorted out once more details are released.


  1. Well, my friend also participated in Rainbow Brush Painting Contest. He told me that few professional painters were also took part in this event. And now, you are going to organize NY events very soon. Is that so?

  2. Very Sorry Curtis but we do not organize or run the comp we are only advertising it because it is such a good thing they are doing.

    but if you head over to the Wamp forum you might be able to get that answered there.

  3. This certainly sounds like an interesting contest but I am not sure about the online entry portion of it. One thing about winning is the effort involved in performing and satisfying all of the standards required to actually win. Why bother going if you can just sit on your couch and enter the contest?

  4. I would of thought the online part is so people from around the world can show their support for the cause.

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