
Thursday, 2 July 2015

Cloth and Color theory

Image result for color theory and cloth
Another thing I have been learning about is a little bit more about Color theory and how to really paint Cloth/cloaks.

I am not going to get deep into Color theory for two reasons, one with what I know you might be able to fill half a postage stamp and second I am sure it's something that you if not all most already know.

So this part is for the people who don't know

Image result for color theory and cloth 

There are three main aspects of this to keep in mind while painting.

1. Contrasting color
2. Harmonic color
3. Hot and Cold color

Wile painting a mini these three things will determine what color palette you are using and what you use to highlight and shade your models.

Short explanation on the three

Contrasting color

Contrasting color is two colors that are opposite to each other on the color wheel
Such as Red and Green

Harmonic color

Harmonic color is colors that are next to each other or on the same side of the color wheel

Hot and Cold Colors

This one is very self explanatory, but if you look at the wheel above it will show also a good explanation would be if you are going to paint a miniature on a snowy base, then using reds or oranges as the main colors on the mini would make it look odd to the base.

Now that I have laid down some knowledge on you I thought I would show you all what I have been doing with this.

A fast one that I did last night. (At the moment in the UK we are having a heat wave so painting is hard to do)  

These are green ones with with harmonic high lights and Shadow

And this Blue one has to be my personal favorite

This is where my cloth and color theory ends and I open it up to you all to comment and share your thoughts on my cloth. 


  1. Nice start! A great book for any painter of any level who wants to explore color theory in more depth is Color by Betty Edwards :)

    1. I will have to look into that Book thanks Zab!

  2. That blue one is just lovely. Very nice work!

    1. Thanks I thought so as well the funny thing is I used clear Blue by reaper as the base coat and then only after finishing found out their clear paints are pigment only paint for glaze and changing other colors a very funny woops but I have done so many over the last week or so its shocking

  3. The blue one would be my favorite as well. I can also recommend Betty Edward's Color, it's a great book even if I don't understand that much of it yet.

    1. Hi Nils thanks its mine as well Also good to see you around these parts!
