
Thursday, 1 October 2015

More work with painting Black.

Image result for painting black
This has been something that has been a lot of fun and now I know what to do easy as pie if you missed my first part on painting black you can see it here. So I spent the week working more on black and also thought I would share with you all my palette as well, something I have started to do for easy glaze's.

But first here is two more that I done.  

So to start off with I was not too happy with these two attempts because I feel that the black was not desaturated enough.

Here is what my palette looked like for the green cape the black is very well black.

So I went back to them again and tried to make the black more desaturated

To a keen eye you will notice this is not green and blue. it's at this point when I will make my glaces to help with blending to do this I take my number 1 and load it with paint from the middle and either and end and then wash the paint into 2 drops of water in a palette.

Doing this makes a great and simple glaze and no need to waste a lot of paint.

Here are my more desaturated black capes. 

Not sure which look better so ill leave that for you all to decide.


  1. The blue, if you faded it to desaturated at the bottom would be really nice. I like hte green best because of this.

  2. I really like the first greenish one. It has a very tinted fantasy vibe I have seen Jarhead use before. Don't forget to step back and view it overall. Sometimes that little bump in saturation is what will catch people and pull them in from 3 feet to three inches ;)

  3. that is something i was thinking Greg as well. and thank you Zab for comapareing it to something jarhead has done before very kind and also that is something I need to do more its hard to forget to turn off the light and see what it looks like.
