
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

On The Desk - Renaissance Assassin Part 7 - Bringing some colour to the base

 A nice long bank holiday weekend gave me a lot of chances to paint, I actually did work on THREE projects (two you've already seen some progress on, the third will come soon) Yes, I'm terrible at finishing things! Nevertheless sometimes you just have to paint what you want to paint. Here is where we left the base for the assassin, primed but bereft of colour. Let's change that!
I grabbed some colours from my collection, a lot of natural shades of brown and some grey and off white to let me play with the saturation. Also Ratskin Flesh, it might look a little out of place but it gave me some nice colours when mixed with the others.

I really just played with the colours, no recipes from me I'm afraid. I just took colours onto my wet palette and mixed them around applying them to different areas.

More variation! I went back in with even more colour mixes to really make the wall look like it's made from a variety of natural rocks. I also used some washes to help with this.

When I was happy (or at least mostly happy, the top section might need more work) I used some milliput following this guide (Massive Voodoo Tutorial) to mix a very watery milliput mix. I applied this over the whole base with three to four layers. This gave me some pointing between the bricks and helped give bricks an aged look.

It's not finished yet, I will go back in with more glazes and maybe some pigments but I'm happy with the progress.

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