
Tuesday, 19 July 2016

On The Desk - Goblin Chieftain Part 3 - Constructing and painting the base

Continuing with the lancing contest theme I wanted the base to look like a lancing arena, goblin style. I carved up some plasticard and then used rough sandpaper to give it some texture (I want it to look like a rough wooden wall)

Grabbing a spare plinth I pinned the wall in place (slightly off centre so it doesn't look too....mathematically precise) and used some milliput to create the base of the terrain. Once dried it was then covered with sandy paste from Vallejo. I used a few pieces from my bitz box to add some interest. The shield and spear are from GW, the sword is from Kingdom Death. Not I left some space for the model to stand in (I actually used the model's foot in the milliput to make sure the impression fit)

Primed with my usual zenithal style

I painted the desert sand with a mix of VMC Beige Brown, a flesh tone and some VGC Scrofulous Brown. I just wanted a fairly light sandy tone which I could then work some washes on. I mixed on the base some other tones into it, a more red mix in some place, a lighter mix in some places.

I then used several stages of drybrushing and washes on the sand. Lightly drybrushing a lighter version of the base tone and using some washes in different areas (browns and reds mostly) At this stage I also mixed up some different brown tones to paint the wooden wall and shield. I also started the metallics of the weapons. I can't remember exactly what metallics I used (at this point I was getting close to the deadline so things were a bit high pressure!) The shield is almost certainly S75 silvers, spear might be some of the older GW Hashut copper with silver highlights. I also used a little GW Nihilakh Oxide to add some ageing to the spear in the holes.

At this point I decided I wanted the wooden wall to be painted in brighter colours to really help them theme come through. I used red and black to contrast with the blue/white I chose for the figure.

Next week it's a few final touches and then the showcase!

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