
Thursday, 24 August 2017

Time For a little review.

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People may or may not know that I have been on a mission for a while for cheap hobby paint that is as good as the paints we get from Gw and so on, this time I was on Ebay looking for something else and came across a paint called Royal Langnickel crafters choice and thought I would give it ago as it was not that expensive. So come and have a look and see how it is.

So to start off with I decided to go with green for no reason other than it was a random colour and a brightish one. Now the cost and size 

It cost £2.95 on ebay with free delivery for 59ml of paint 

Lets compare this to Gw paint which at the time of writing this costs  £2.42 and £1.95 postage for 12ml (this was the first I came across on ebay you maybe able to find cheaper else where)

So more about the paint now and how it works.

First the paint.

To show the size we have a some pics next to other brands we all know and love.

The paint itself is thick, not as thick as you might get from scale 75 or a tube paint. 

Now the next thing that is more important other than how it paints is how it handles water when being thinned. So I added three drops of water from a dropper bottle.

It seemed to take it quite well.

So with this all done and dusted it was time to paint something with it. Have to admit I may have not picked the best thing to paint to show, but it was the first thing I thought of and I really need to try and find some good testing material, but anyway, I used some acetate paper and kitchen roll and a backdrop as I forgot it was see through I know my bad.

So after the first layer with watered down paint. You can see that is quite transparent and also its not a bad green

And after some more layers its builds and nice overall color and I added another green from reaper mini to show a comparison.

 So with the how it looks test being ok apart from my really bad paint job and brush work thought it was time to see how much water it can take to see if glazes might be possible so I watered it down bit by bit.

As you can see it waters down very well!

This is the paint at the thinnest point of the picture above and as you can see looks very good! 

The finish of the paint is more of a satin than gloss and looks good and for the cost I do recommend people give it ago and see how you like it even if it does not pass the model painting test for you it would make a great basin paint!

Any one have a cheap brand for me to try??

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