Last week I was working on the Officer this week Its all about the base.
For the base I had the idea of combining the present with the past and I the idea is the officer in his prime would be standing on something that resembled a WW1 memorial.
A classic example.

For this I needed to turn a plinth into something that looks like a memorial and add some texture and make it look like stone. After some thought of how I am going to paint it, I thought outside the box and looked at doll houses and if I was able to get something more suitable.
And found this.
A classic example.

For this I needed to turn a plinth into something that looks like a memorial and add some texture and make it look like stone. After some thought of how I am going to paint it, I thought outside the box and looked at doll houses and if I was able to get something more suitable.
And found this.
It cost £5.99 for 250ml and for the amount I used to get the effect means I will have this for a long time. (Worth it)
The way this stuff works it looks like a gray foam and you apply it and wait and then add more when needed.
And after about three coats only because first time and not sure if I was going to over do it all.
Now I have to admit I forgot to take many pics from here I got lost in the moment. But what I did was weathered the stone with oils and added grass and ivy on top.
And for the end of the basing Ill leave you with a picture of something that will be added to the finished model and something that was a bit of a pain to make as it is all paper and a thin bit of metal and needed to be stuck together.
Had a lot of fun making this and pushing myself to want to base more things better I feel had really need worth it.
Next week will be the finished model.