Thursday, 19 October 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pt 2.

Image result for arnold schwarzenegger

I do understand this is not an official part two, because of the fact I did not really do a part one, but because I enjoy the work on was doing on it from the post Enough is Enough I thought I would finish it official even though it is an off cast and I did not sort out mold line and that's because I did not plan to finish I wanted to use it as a play model so to speak, but anyway here we go to finsih it.

 So last time we saw it it looked like this.

You may be pleased to know I was made to fill in the hole by my wife.

So from there I got to work by doing the hair.

I was not pleased with the brown thought it was too orange so went with a more red/mahogany.

Then the eyebrows. 

From there I went in All by colors glazzing here and there trying to create more volume and depth only using green, blue, purple and the base skin tone. I did use white added 

Went in with some whites to lighten up the forehead. 

Because I liked the White I thought I might add it elsewhere.

So this is where I will leave it this week come back next week to see how it turns out.

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