Monday, 30 May 2016

A New Noob and Summer Noob Schedule

Hi folks!

As some of you might have noticed yesterday, we have a new Noob on board - Necropocalypse - you can find out more about him on his page here.

With Necropocalypse on board, we now number 5 current Noobs so I thought I'd give a quick run down of our schedule as we head into summer.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

An Introduction from the new guy!


My name is Dan, and I recently joined the team.

I have been a hobbyist (old GW term!) for nigh on 30 years. In that time I've collected everything from Space Marines, to Elves, Daemons and modern-era models. Like everyone else, my painting right at the start wasn't anything spectacular. I never primed a model (at 11 years old you have neither the funds or the know-how) and my paint was always really thick. But at that age it was the most awesome paint job ever!

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Gotham Police Officer - Ready for The Table

Two models finished in two weeks? Some might call it madness, others might call it momentum. Either way, a second model on and off my desk inside a couple of sessions and it's Fat Cop from BMG.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Project Fishermen: Part 5

Not as much progress as I might have liked this week, but I still finished something, let's take a look!

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Meagan The Buccaneer from Bombshell Babes - A Closer Look

In today's Closer Look, I'm moving away from gaming minis. Instead, we have Meagan The Buccaneer, from the Babes range from Bombshell Miniatures. Here she is, painted up by Meg Maples:

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Fallen Frontiers Kickstarter from Scale Games Unboxing - Ares vs Sayx

Welcome to our unboxing of Fallen Frontiers from Scale Games. I've been waiting on this one for a while as it was a Kickstarter, but it's finally here and it's so pretty! In my pledge I went for a game box containing Ares and Sayx, with additional combat forces for both factions.

A warning - this post is really image heavy. Like, 250 images image heavy.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Animated Series Batman - Showcase

In a move as stealthy as The Bat himself, I snuck Batman from The Animated Series onto my desk in between my halflings and amazingly had him finished in only a couple of sessions.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

The Killing Joke Joker - A Closer Look

For our second Closer Look, I've gone for Knight Models' The Killing Joke Joker - arguably the most classic iteration of the Joker to be turned into a model so far by Knight.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Hailey Smith: Catsuit from Wonderlands Project Unboxing

I like my pin up minis (as shown from previous unboxings I've done - Star VixenThe Perfect Present and Honey Valentine from Kabuki, The Steampunk Cowgirl from Ax Faction), so I picked up a copy of Hailey Smith: Catsuit, the first mini in Wonderlands Project's Cosplay Lvl 42 series.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Norse Orc Hero Show case.

This Little guy Has been so fun to paint I hope you all enjoy what I have done.

Image result for have a look

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Fillet from Guild Ball - A Closer Look

Welcome to a new style of post from us here at Noobs and their Paintbrush. We like our unboxings here, but sometimes, while the minis are awesome, they just don't quite justify a full, in depth unboxing. With that in mind, you might start to see posts like this one popping up occasionally - just a collection of shots of miniatures we particularly like, straight out the packaging. A closer look, if you will ;)

First up is Fillet, the new Butcher's Guild Captain from Guild Ball.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Friday, 6 May 2016

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Norse Orc Hero Pt 2

Last week I was working on how to change the Skin and this week ill be showing the results of this and also working on the leather and as you can see there is alot.