This would be my second year going to this show and here are only some of the models on show again sorry that I do not know the names of plans and tanks but I'll give it ago.
First, we have a very nice plan. Allied
A German plan .
An American plan I have not seen before.
This is the French plan Sig.
Another shot of the table.
A shark eyeing up the food channel on the box.
Zombies and a rider from master box.
Another shark eating Audra.
Armored trains.
A fun diorama from Shawn the sheep.
Another two planes.
Some bi plans, really nice to see something from WW1.
They are still arguing with the insurance company.
Some airliners.
A small boat attempting a donut.
Something I have not seen before a P&O
The propellers were turning on spinning on this.
Don't you hate it when you scuff your plan.
Three little boats and I really like the water looks like it is going through very shallow and clear water.
German Bi plan.
This was rather special if you press the button it started to work and had sound and the man who made it said he is working on adding smoke .
Very Very tiny boat.
Elf archer.
American Aircraft carrier plan.
German something on a train.
A very nice tank.
An American tank
Some Cars.
More WW1 plans.
Somehow he got a gun into a school!!!
A British bomber.
Some more cars.
Armored bulldozer.
A British Gannet.
A very nice van exploding.
American early transport.
British hurricane
Giant mantis.
Giant scoripon .
Better test the breaks after that.
Was a great show and I really do hope I will be up for it next year!
Hope you all enjoyed next week back to painting!.