Saturday, 28 February 2015

The Greater Daemons of Khorne are Thirsty for Blood...

As Archaon The Everchosen prepares to launch his invasion southwards, the Blood God Khorne has allowed Games Workshop to release a big beast to assist him - the plastic Bloodthirster of Khorne.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Hobby Zone Modular System Review part 1

Warsztatowy System Modułowy

I have been looking for something like this for what seems like forever and when I heard of the Hobby Zone Modular System I got very excited and thought that I would share with you this perfect way to transform a desk into a workstation deep down we have always wanted.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Ax Faction's Siegebreakers - A Little Review

Last week I posted that Ax Faction had released their first Adventurer set - The Siegebreakers. I got quite excited and picked up a set. They arrived today with Paul's usual efficiency in a large Jiffy bag, so I thought I'd put together a little review.

As I said in the release article, you get a lovely little box containing your miniatures and a nice A5 art card.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Brambleten's Tour of Gotham - Part 4: Deadshot 3/50

Floyd Lawton, AKA Deadshot, is one of the better mercenaries in the DC Universe, probably a few steps behind Deathstroke, but not much. An assassin that favours ranged weaponry, he is often a member of the Suicide Squad, or Task Force X.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Introducing The Siege Breakers from Ax Faction

The first set in Ax Faction's Adventurer Series has arrived - The Siege Breakers! 3 Highly detailed resin miniatures, Brig, Skuld and Ivy are the people you need to call when something needs breaking.

Yes, that is a Badger with a pipe and a battle axe. 

Friday, 20 February 2015

Harlequins Wave 4 - The Death Jester and Shadowseer Join The Ranks.

Games Workshop have put what I believe to be the last wave of Harlequins up for pre-order and whilst there are 2 bundles, there are only two new miniatures - The Death Jester and Shadowseer.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Warhammer The End Times, the rumors and my Plans

When I decided to start painting and playing again, my thoughts headed right back to where my love for the hobby started when I was thirteen Warhammer Fantasy. That is when things got interesting when a friend told me about the End Times and when I read some of the horrors some think that will happen to Warhammer Fantasy.

   Image result for warhammer end times

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Knight Models March Releases

No Marvel stuff in this month's Knight Models releases, everything is about the Batman Miniatures Game.

Along with the 2nd Edition Rulebook going on general release, there are 3 blisters of miniatures and some tokens.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Warploque Miniatures Set The Arcane Dragon Loose

With the New Lunar Year upon us, Alex at Warploque Miniatures decided to release the beautiful Arcane Dragon for the ArcWorlde range. He had been seen before in limited numbers at the Vapnartak Show at York Racecourse earlier in the month but now everyone can get one.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Ultimate Anatomy Kits from Michael Kontraros on Indiegogo

Want to try your hand at sculpting but can never get the human figure right? Well, Michael Kontraros is here to help. This 6th Indiegogo project sees something a little different to his usual fair of superbly detailed complete miniature in display box.

This time around the project is to fund (well, actually, it's already funded) anatomically correct male and female human miniature kits in 75mm, 54mm and 40mm scales. Also on offer are anatomically perfect skulls, shrunk down from a 3D scan of a real skull used for medical purposes. This gives people who have tried to sculpt faces before but always found something a little off the chance to work from the perfect frame outwards.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

So That's What 5,000 points of The End Times Undead Looks Like.

Today I got a parcel from Triple Helix Wargames containing the last few boxes of my Undead Army for Warhammer Fantasy. I had started collecting Vampire Counts with the release of the 7th Edition army book, gathering around 1000 points. These then got nudged down the pecking order in favour of High Elves and 40k then put aside altogether thanks to University.

Then came The End Times, which sparked interest in Warhammer Fantasy again. With them came the rather imposing Nagash model and with that my soul was sold to the Lord of the Undead once more. I've managed to collect all 4 End Times books so far, only for Thanquol to ruin my run of Hard backs. I'm really hoping that I can get back on track with Book 5, which should be released in the coming weeks.

So, back on target. What does 5,000 points of Undead look like? Click and find out :)

Monday, 16 February 2015

Time to welcome another Noob

It is with great pleasure that we are welcoming our newest Noob to Noobs and their paintbrush.

Welcome to Vegascat!

Read more about him here.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Brambleten's Tour of Gotham - Part 3: ACL Painting Contest Update and Shiny Things.

With February half over, that means we are 25% through the time allowed on the Arkham City Limits painting contest. I thought this would be a good time to stop and check on how I was progressing.

I've also received some new stuff since the contest started, so I've thrown that in here as well :)

Friday, 13 February 2015

Harlequins Wave 3 Pre-Orders

Games Workshop have put up the third wave of Harlequins releases for Pre-Order. In this batch are the different variations of the codex, a vehicle/weapon platform kit, a painting guide, dice and datacards.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Chalky Issue Part 1

To start off with this I thought about how I might be able to paint something that would use the types of colors that might have this issue with mostly white paints. And then I remembered a tutorial that I had read called Painting white and thought this is a grate two birds with one stone moment also seeing as he uses the reaper paints that I do.

And here is where the battle commences to defeat the dreaded chalk.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Ezpainter Feb Discount

All of feburay Ezpainter a miniature commission painting service is offering a 10% discount on orders when using the code "EZFEB" this can also be used with other offers

Head over to for more information

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Less than 24 hours left on the Conan Kickstarter

There are less than 24 hours left on the Conan Miniatures Board Game from Monolith Board Games on Kickstarter. Fully licensed, the board game throws 2-5 players into the Hyborian Age, pitting everyone's favourite Cimmerian and his allies against various villains and minions.

At the time of writing this, there are currently over 13,000 backers and a current total of over $2.55m. I'd put the photo of stuff you get for the King pledge ($135 plus postage after the project) before the break, but it's a massive image so worth clicking!

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Hobby Zone Modular Workshop System

Today I am very excited with the news of the Hobby zone modular workshop system, if like me, you enjoy having your workspace organized and also looking good then this will be right up your street.

Warsztatowy System Modułowy

And if like me you would like to get some of these you can from their store.