Monday, 6 July 2015

Wampstore Gift Voucher Giveaway!

Image result for giveaways

Because we have got so much from doing Noobs and Their paintbrush we thought it was time to give something back.

And when is a better time than our 6 month Birthday!

So we are giving one Lucky person a £50 Gift voucher for Wampstore 

Image result for £50 voucher 

Not only that anyone who enters the giveaway will also get something as well!

We are using rafflecopter for this and the winner will be picked by them 

Image result for terms and conditions

The competition will be on for one month and the winner will emailed as soon as they are drawn and everyone else will receive emails with the Entry prize

The only Rule for this giveaway is to WIN or to get anything else you must be following the Blog

So we are able to get in contact with you to send the Prizes if you are not then you did not follow the mandatory rule and there for forfeit and we will have to pick a winner at random and there for made something that is meant to be fun for everyone hard for us!

So everyone please play by the rules.

All that is left to say is, Good luck!


  1. Annoying Twitter blocking my completion entry tweet, mutter, mutter

  2. ...aaaaand done ! After some tries, the Tweet worked ! :P

    Good luck everyone and thanks for this nice Giveaway !

  3. Great stuff to read up on. Excited I found your blog!

  4. Please every one remember to win you must follow the blog or else we are unable to contact you!

  5. Woot, awesome. Good luck everyone!

  6. Good luck to everyone and thanks for the giveaway?

  7. I just found you guys and now a giveaway. Awesome!

  8. I'd like to add that I'm the one with the "The Emperor" email :)

  9. I'm definitely in on this :)

  10. This is a great blog with great protential to become even bigger!

    1. That is the hope for some time in the future but will take time and more people.

  11. I've got a mail stating: 'the name you said you follow with does not show in the list at the top right of the blog'... and the plugin on the page seems to fail to load, as it cannot resolve the server's DNS address.

    1. I see now, think I entered the name 'viktor' only, not the full name :(

  12. No that is not the issue you do not show up on the list all you have to do is click follow if that does not work made try a diff browser I have looked for your full and short name but neither is there

  13. Very exciting. £50 shall be mine!

  14. Ohhh Always up for a competition !

  15. This is the best way to introduce me to a new site. :)

  16. I love this blog :) My address is the one that begins with szijarto, if that will be a problem!

  17. Good luck to everyone :) May the best win!
