Tuesday, 8 September 2015

On The Desk - Necron Overlord Part 3

I hoped to have the Overlord finished this week (or at least the model finished, haven't even started a base yet!) but alas painting time has been a little short lately. Lets start out with a 'where I currently am photo':

Yes I may have got a bit carried away and done a little painting without taking photos! I painted the metal tabard style things coming out of his armour (I have no idea how else to describe them :D) with Thrash Metal from Scale 75. I've started to improve the contrast of the red armour plates with darker darks and brighter red for the highlights. I also painted the various orbs, energy tubes and gauss areas around his body with an icy blue working up to almost white. These still need some work but it's a start. I need to decide if I want to try any OSL (Object Source Lighting) for these or not. I think it's an effect that is overused a bit in modern painting but it might look good here, what do people think?

I used Vallejo smoke watered down to start adding some depth to the metal, it also warms them up a little which helps tie them in with the warm colours of the armour plates. (I did take some pictures of this stage but they didn't turn out as well as I hoped so hopefully you can see the effect on the next step) I then used S75 Speed Metal with a little of the Thrash Metal mixed in to add highlights to the metal. Despite the fact I'm using true metals on this model I still follow the NMM principals when it comes to highlighting and shading the metal areas.

I'm very conscious that the number one advice I see from top painters to those looking to improve is 'push the contrast!' with this in mind I added a little black to my Vallejo Smoke and went even deeper with the shadows on the metal. You can see I also changed the tail of the staff, I can't really decide what I want to do with this area! Finally I went in with a 75:25 White to Karak Stone mix and put some extra lights on the armour. Not sure how apparent this will be in these photos but hopefully it helps in the end.

I feel my progress is slowing a little with this project. Sometimes this happens, you get slowed down by a particular area and don't make as much progress as you'd like. You can either just be patient and keep working at it or take a break and do something else different, maybe start working on the base or another project entirely. Fingers crossed next week we might see the miniature finished, need to work out what I'm doing with the resurrection orb. Perhaps a sort of galaxy effect with a starfield? Let me know what you think in the comments.


  1. Contrast, Focus, avoid the middle, don't let cork look like cork. Those are some of the feedbacks I heard from the judges @ nova open!

    Progress looks good. Have fun with the orb. It's small enough that if you don't like the effect, you can go back over it pretty quickly.

    1. Yeah that is what I'm thinking! I started reading your comment and thought you were a very elaborate spam bot :D Avoid the middle, I like that one.

    2. It is extremely easy to look at the shelves of entries, and immediately see why avoiding the middle is a good policy. 75% will put the mini smack dab in the center of the base. The base is a false limitation of where the mini can go.

    3. That's actually really good advice about the false limitation of the base and it's a advice that I rarely see people give.

  2. The advice I've gotten most often is also, contrast, contrast, contrast, and, for me at least, to have the nerves of pushing it out of you comfort zone.

    1. That's my main critque. They want to see stronger highlights, and deeper shadows, bringing focus ot a particular area. gotta work on that myself!
