Sunday, 28 August 2016

Age of Sigmar - Slaughterpriest

This week, I decided that I'd get back on with my Khorne Army for Age of Sigmar. This is a project that will see me through until the end of the year. I have had this Slaughterpriest on my WIP bench for a while, and this week seemed like the perfect time to finish it off.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes Index

Welcome to the Index page for our new paint recipes section!

Recently a group was founded on Facebook, dedicated purely to the sharing of painting recipes, from elaborate multi-glaze NMM to tricks and shortcuts for getting things on the tabletop in record time. You can find the group right here! We offered up the blog as a place to host an archive of the recipes shared - you're currently looking at the index of that very archive.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Pre Shading

Welcome to the pre shading section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Leather

Welcome to the leather section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Non Metallic Metal

Welcome to the non metallic metal section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - "Natural" Skin Tones

Welcome to the "natural" skin section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Power Weapons

Welcome to the power weapon section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Yellow

Welcome to the yellow section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Metallic Metal

Welcome to the metallic metal section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Bone

Welcome to the bone section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - "Unnatural" Flesh Tones

Welcome to the "unnatural flesh tones" section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Black

Welcome to the black section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Green

Welcome to the green section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Paint Recipes - Red

Welcome to the bone section of the Paint Recipes group. Below are recipes submitted by members of the group, along with any that us at the blog have posted or collected ourselves. For more information about the project, check out the Paint Recipes Facebook Group.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Reflections on the painting mojo

This week I'd like to return to a topic I've discussed before and share some more thoughts I've been having around my painting mojo..

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Purgatory's Siren - A Closer Look

For the final A Closer Look for a little while, I had quite a choice to make. In one hand I had the new Toughest Girls in the Galaxy Freebies from Raging Heroes' second Kickstarter. In the other I had Siren from Purgatory. There are probably dozens of blogs and videos about the former already, so I'm going with Siren (whom I like more anyway ;) )

Sunday, 21 August 2016

The Five Hour Painting Challenge - Scibor Dwarf

This week, may I introduce to you a new monthly feature: The Five Hour Painting Challenge!

The idea is to paint one model within a 5 hour time limit. I got the idea shortly after painting the Feral Nexus this past week (which took around 4 hours to complete). I recently subscribed to the Model Box mail order service, and was pleasantly surprised by the random selection of models I received. The Model Box I received in July had the Feral Nexus, and the Scibor Miniatures Dwarf Wild Warrior you are about to see.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

ArcWorlde Unithorn from Warploque Miniatures

Last week saw me playing with my new airbrush and starting out practicing on the Unithorn from Warploque Miniatures. The practice didn't go quite to plan, so instead it became a session of playing with inks and sponge. I continued working on it this week and it's finished!

Friday, 19 August 2016

Desperation! WIP: Part 2

A bit more progress this week, we start on the cast of characters which are going to go the base..

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

ArcWorlde Njorsvald Preview Set - A Closer Look

As you should have heard by now, Warploque Miniatures are heading back to Kickstarter at the end of September to fund the production of their new ArcWorlde Expansion - Troubles in the North. They've taken an interesting step in releasing a small number of models that will appear in the campaign in lovely Warploque Resin. In today's A Closer Look, we'll be taking a peek at the Njorsvald Preview Set.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Monday, 15 August 2016

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Feral Nexus, by Icarus Miniatures

This week, instead of churning out even more WIP shots of ongoing projects, I decided to paint a random model I received in my subscription to Model Box. For those of you that don't know what Model Box is - its a monthly subscription, whereby you receive a bunch of models, paints and accessories for the hobby. I took a punt on the one in July and got the model I have painted today.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Learning to Airbrush - First Steps

Last week I got an airbrush for my birthday - more particularly a Harder & Steenbeck Evolution so this week I've been teaching myself how to use it.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Desperation! WIP: Part 1

I'm starting a new project today and some good progress already, let's check it out..

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Che Guevara P1.

Image result for che guevara

This year at the Talford show my Club's theme is Iconic and one of the models I decided to do for it is Che Guevara.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Tilly Tumbleworth from Statuesque Miniatures - A Closer Look

After last week's foray into playing cards we're back with miniatures for today's Closer Look. More specifically, we're looking at Tilly Tumbleworth from Statuesque Miniatures.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Book of Nox - Unboxing and Product Review

I attended the UK Games Expo on Saturday 4th June, where upon I stumbled across a small independent stand. I was drawn to the 3D Dungeon Tiles and from there proceeded to have a chat with the games creator, before making a purchase. There were two version on offer - standard and deluxe. The deluxe version is the one I will review today. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to play this game yet, but I am going to rectify that in the not too distant future.

This is my first crack at an Unboxing (or should I say Un-Nox-ing) review. I wanted to add variety to my Sunday slot. Also, you'd better sit down to read this, it's rather long...

Saturday, 6 August 2016

The Box of Shame

All hobbyists have one. No, not the place you hide stuff you don't want found by parents/children/significant other. That place that you put the WIP projects that you aren't quite feeling, things that you try something new on and it doesn't quite work out how you intended so don't go any further and those projects you put aside when "ooh shiny" syndrome strikes and a new toy appears on the table.

The box/drawer/cupboard of shame. And I'm opening up mine for show and ridicule.

My box of shame doesn't actually have a dog in it.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Midland Model Expo.

Midland Expo

Sunday just gone I was at the Midland Model Expo with my dad, which is Birmingham IPMS's show and here is some of the models on display which I would like to share with you all.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

ArcWorlde Tarot Deck - A Closer Look

A slightly different Closer Look today - not minitures but the lovely new ArcWorlde Tarot Deck from Warploque Miniatures.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Q and A with Ernesto

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We are very pleased to be able to bring you a Q and A with Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth.