Thursday, 26 October 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pt 3.

Image result for arnold schwarzenegger now

He once said "I'll be back" and now I am to finish him off!! 

(I know it's a bad pun)

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pt 2.

Image result for arnold schwarzenegger

I do understand this is not an official part two, because of the fact I did not really do a part one, but because I enjoy the work on was doing on it from the post Enough is Enough I thought I would finish it official even though it is an off cast and I did not sort out mold line and that's because I did not plan to finish I wanted to use it as a play model so to speak, but anyway here we go to finsih it.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

GhostBusters Echo 1A Showcase.

Image result for Showcase

Have to apoligise for the poor picture I do not have a set up at this time to take pics of lager models.
Also would like to do a big thanks to Dave watts who done the base for the model. anyway enjoy.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Commission build mustang mach 1

On Wirral ipms group page it was offered for someone to build this car for a lady whose husband had passed away but had to be built within 9 days,pics show various points of build this is 4 days in.