Thursday, 16 November 2017

Review: seam line scraper

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With this being crazy right now I thought I little review might be better than nothing.

So we will be looking at the Model craft seam scraper.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Scenic Base

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Right first off, this is not a review I just like to add pictures and could not think of one so this other than a scenic base, the story of this was it was ment to be done for the Massive voodoo comp, but as time did not permit I was unable to get it done on time but I still wanted to do it. 

Also, why buy one when you can make one!!

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Show case.

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This has been a great way to learn something new and doing something that started as a playing with colour I feel turned out to be a good finished model.