Thursday, 26 November 2015

Master of My Own Mixes Pt 2.

On from last week with the Skin Mostly done it was time to move on to the rest and that was with the Brown now there are a lot of ways you are able to mix this also there are a lot of ways you can max a mess. But a good way I found was instead of mixing the three primary colors which can be hard to determine at the time is to first decide what is the overall feel of the brown Ie Red brown or green brown and so on then mix the first color then slowly add the third primary color.

Tried to make a more Orange Brown for the top considering that there is a lot of leather on this so I will have to try and create more than one. I also added more definition to the Skin.

Got a few easy jobs sorted out with the metallics and black and base coated the white for bone and again more work on the Skin.  

My Version of fifty shades of gray.

The more I have got into this it really has made me think about how much there is to this.

I moved on to the other leathers as well as trying to make a good skull color.

for the Skull color to make that I first made a light gray and then added small amounts of yellow I also for some reason Made an interesting Skin tone while trying to make a green brown for the pouch. As well as a more Red brown leather for the boots. 

I Had done a fast blue that is not very complicated because I only used Blue, Black and White. 

I wanted to do a sort of natural suede but it failed as you can see I was after a more 

Image result for natural suede


 Image result for natural suede

But I thought I would be able to Fix it with some Ink glazes at the end of it all.

There was not much Left to do apart from a few little jobs and Ink after all the little jobs were done I got four Inks. Blue, Orange, Black and Brown,

And all that is left is to see the finished orc I tried something different when taking this pic to see if it has come out better.

Was fun to paint only using five colors and the hardest part was not the making the colors, but to stop myself from using my other paints. Well worth ago. All i need to do now is try and find some real primary colors that I can use to mix with.

Again, all comments and feedback welcome.


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