Saturday, 31 January 2015

I am Iron Man...First Knight Models Mini Finished, 2/50.

He's been sat unfinished since the middle of last year, but over the last couple of weeks I've found my Knight Models mojo, so finally have a finished Iron Man :)

Friday, 30 January 2015

The Bane of Tabletop Standard Painters Return - The Harlequins are Back, and in Plastic.

Some miniatures are designed to be nice and easy to paint. Space Marines for example, can look good even in a very simple scheme, as can Astra Militarum. Then there are those miniatures that sit laughing at painters right the way through from beginners to those that think they are ok but can't always get what they visualise in their minds onto the miniatures. Those are the Harlequins. And Games Workshop have brought them back with a new box set and clam pack.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Brambleten's Tour of Gotham - Part 2: Arkham City Limits' Painting Contest 2015

Yesterday it was announced that the first of what will be an annual painting competition on the Arkham City Limits Facebook Group will be taking place between now and the end of March. 

There are three prizes up for grabs - The winner will get a Knight Models single miniature blister pack of their choice, along with the "Tournament Only" Limited Edition Talia al Ghul cards. Two runners up will also receive Tournament Talia cards.

As the main part of the prize is a Tournament Only card, to enter, you need to paint a full 350 Rep / $1500 fund Gang. This is the tournament standard and should be tournament legal, so also means that it's a little more challenging than just a single figure. 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Wayland Games: Angel Giraldez Masterclass Painting Book Pre-Order

Wayland Games: Angel Giraldez Masterclass Painting Book Pre-Order

Wayland Games: The legendary Angel Giraldez has now placed 
his Masterclass painting book up for pre-order, we knew it would be popular but
never expected the torrent of orders that followed the announcement. To give all of you would be 
airbrushers a nudge we have put together a fantastic beginner bundle of the book, 
an Iwata Neo Airbrush and the Neo Air compressor to get you started. 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Awaken Realms Painting Studio

Awaken Realms Painting Studio has previewed these miniatures for their upcoming The Edge game. Awaken Realms is created SF and Fantasy buffs who turned their passion for figure painting into their way of life. 

"We spent years perfecting our skills and creating Warhammer (and others) miniatures. And one day, we asked ourselves - would it possible for us to create our very own world and figures? This is something we always dreamed about, and we would like to share our passion with others. And that's how "The Edge" project was born". More information here.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Start of my Journey

As I was painting further on my Skaven I came across a problem that I have seen all over the forums about miniature painting and that is my lighter colors were looking chalky.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

1 Down, 49 To Go! Alexandra From Another World

Got my first miniature of the year finished, and it's Alexandra from Another World. She's a metal 30mm scale miniature that I picked up from the Wamp Store to join my Astra Militarum as a Commissar.

Friday, 23 January 2015

GW: Necrons Rise for Pre-Order

This week's Games Workshop release sees the Necrons get a new Codex, plastic Overlord and an Army Box. You can pre-order them now from Games Workshop or other indie retailers, with full release coming on Saturday 31st January.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Brambleten's Tour of Gotham - Part One: Blister Packs, Pre-Orders and Slow Starts.

Over the last few days, I've joined Arkham City Limits and the Marvel/Superhero Miniatures + Gaming groups on Facebook. This as given me a massive boost to my Knight Models mojo so to keep it going, here I am writing a blog.

I picked up my first Knight Models figures mid last year, getting the Green Arrow, Wolverine and Iron Man. Since then I've added a load more models but so far am yet to read any of the rules for the Batman Miniature Game.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Monday, 19 January 2015

Knight Models January Releases

I always get excited when it gets to Knight Models Release time every month, and this month is even better than usual. There is only one Marvel release, but for me, one of the three DC miniature releases more than makes up for it. All of these items should be available from 27th January. As for where to get them, there are a large number of places but I'm quite partial to Element Games though The Wamp Store are also starting to stock Knight Models.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Avatars of War: New Arena Deadmatch Orc Pit Fighter and Cirlean Murmillo

Avatars of war has just released these two new miniatures: One of the most deadly and fearsome enemies to face in combat, a Pit Fighter is a melee expert, highly trained in all kind of nasty fighting techniques & dirty tricks.And, if an Orc, the most ruthless fights are guaranteed for the enjoyment of the crowd! An Orc pit fighter will add even more ferocity to a band of Orcs. 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Warlord Games: New Algoryn and Boromite Army Deals

With the first wave of releases for the Algoryn and Boromites now complete, we’ve put together an army deal for each force to kickstart your Antares battles! Each contains an ideal starting force (chosen by Rick Priestley!), with dice for each unit, and reduced from the price of the individual sets. In addition, the first 15 buyers of each army will also receive a copy of the printed Beta Rulebook, not available to buy anywhere else!

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Brambleten's Painting Plans for the Year Ahead

Over the last few years, I haven’t painted a massive amount, at least not consistently. Last year I took part in a scheme over on The Ammobunker called One Miniature A Month (OMAM). The idea is simple – you aim to finish one miniature a month. Some use it to finish projects or get back in the groove after time out of the hobby. I managed to complete all 12 months and 49 miniatures in total last year. 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Skaven Rainbow Company W.I.P part 1

For my first project I thought I would have some fun and make a Rainbow company. The main reason for it is to be able to paint as many colors as possible and have fun with it, also as I have a daughter who is almost two so this type of thing is all the rage in our house.

So the Company is made up of 7 skaven from a lot i picked up from ebay
, i'll be painting them in order of the rainbow so this is the start of good old Red.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Pk-pro Miniature-Holder Review.

I bought the Pk-pro miniature holder when I was transforming my spare room into a studio and saw these and thought that they would make a great addition.

 Ok to start off with they come in two sizes 30mm and 54mm they are a plaster/ceramic base with a cork that fits into a hole in the middle, on this version the Cork has a slit in it so you are able to have your pins or base fit nicely into the cork without too much hassle.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Sally 4th now stocking Pulp figures

Sally 4th is very please to announce that we are now stocking Pulp Figures.At the moment we have the PHP range available. As soon as more become available in the UK we will be adding them to our store together with the best of miniatures we can source from other Pulp manufacturers.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Warlord Games: Soviet Infantry Winter Uniform Plastic Boxed Set Pre-Order

Available for Pre-Orders from today is our latest plastic kit for Bolt Action – Soviet Infantry equipped for the freezing wintry conditions of the Eastern Front or for the push into Germany’s heartland…

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Warlord Games: February Price Rise Announced

 At the start of February we’ll be implementing a price rise on the items outlined below due to increased costs. Rather than implement the new pricing immediately we’re giving two weeks notice, which should be ample time for you to take advantage of the current prices!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Saint George from Michael Kontraros Collectibles on Indiegogo

Michael Kontraros Collectibles have released their 5th Crowdfunding project, this time presenting Saint George for everyone's viewing pleasure.

He is a lovely 75mm scale resin mounted figure and comes with a scenic base which includes a severed dragon head. The model comes in 21 individual parts and comes in a metal tin, which, if the previous tins are anything to go by, are works of art in themselves.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Scibor Miniatures

Scibor Miniatures has released this 28mm/30mm Dwarves Lords set.

can be found here

Friday, 16 January 2015

Darklands February Releases

The Wolves of Mierce

Over the last few months we've been releasing miniatures funded by our Darklands: First Edition project, but we're interrupting normal service to bring you some stragglers from Darklands: a World of War! February's new releases are mostly about the Angelcynn, for the excellent Wulfric's Pack, Wælwulf Unit is being released as individual miniatures as well as in unit form. Wælwulfas (slaughter-wolves) are mighty wolf-men of Mierce, somewhat more devolved than the Werwulfas and much more ferocious. These guys were funded by our very first project, but it's taken us a while to get them painted an photographed for release. They're here now though! 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Welcoming the newest noob!

Noobs and their paintbrush would like to welcome Brambleten as a new Noob in the quest to become a better painter and Wargamer.

Welcome Brambleten.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Notsoslimshady's 1st minis post

Ok so you all came here to see some painted minis and so far there has been very little posted of our own personal work so I'm taking the plunge and posting the 1st of the noobs minis so you can see just how dire my painting skills are. Please after seeing these don't give up any hope! the whole idea behind this blog is to capture our journey to improve our painting skills.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Footsore Miniatures: Fantasy Tengu and Winged Baboon-Esque Creatures Previewed

And now for something completely different. From the deranged mind of Don Hauser and the very talented hands of Patrick Keith we have......errr....these 'things'. No name for them yet but we've had 6 made.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Khurasan Miniatures: New 15mm Manchu Chinese Fieldgun and Crew

We're very pleased to have expanded our 15mm Manchu Chinese range with a field gun and three crewmen. The Manchu were in many ways behind the times in technology, fielding large formations of archers long after Western nations had gone over completely to the musket, but they did adopt some firepower technology, such as the field gun. Pieces like these were used by the Manchu (Qing) Dynasty armies from its foundation in the seventeenth century until as late as the Boxer Rebellion. They were typical cannon barrels and carriages but the wheels were quite distinctive as represented on this model.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

New Knights of Legend Ghost and Hydra Knight!

Kabuki Models is excited to share some images of Ghost Knight and Hydra Knight,a couple of our newest entries into the Knights of Legend line. Hydra Knight (KOL16) and Ghost Knight (KOL17) have detailed, matching bases that allow you to display these two as a single unit charging into combat! 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Blood Bowl Stadium‏ Released

This range is designed to be used with 28mm Fantasy Football games such as Blood Bowl. The Turn and Reroll Board and the Scoreboard features dials etched 0-8 that can be turned display score, turn and rerolls used. The Scoreboard also features two strips of steel, vinyl in the design that are used for fixing magnetically backed team name plates onto the scoreboard. Six blank, magnetic name boards are included. These can be either painted or a printed name can be glued on. 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Monday, 12 January 2015

Monday, 12 January 2015

Rogue Plaqnet now available in two print versions

Rogue Planet is now available in not one, but two different print editions. It’s always nice to have options. Right? 

The standard print edition is available on for the low, low price of just $9.99 and on,,,,, and worldwide. That’s right, it’s only $9.99 for the standard print edition! 
The 'Derelict Planet Edition' of the game is available for $29.99. A full size preview of this special full color edition can be seen here


Saturday, 10 January 2015

Complementary underpainting Theory

The way I decided to go about learning how to paint better, was to look further afield than just miniature forums and sites for more or less the same thing repeated like NMM tutorials. And while I was searching the four corners of the WWW, I came across a very interesting blog post called The Theory behind creating complementary underpaintings in color pencil. And after reading this I felt this was something I have not read about anywhere related to our hobby the only post or tutorial close is a dragon from start to finish and when I mentioned it to very good painters they already knew, but I must of been out this information was passed on so I thought in the nature of what we are here for I will tell you about it the best I can.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Tor Gaming contest: win a big box of Relics stuff (Ended)

You could win a Mystery Box of Relics goodies worth £150!!!

All the items in the box are for a single faction so it's perfect to get into the game or even better to expand your collection!

The competition is open until 11:59:59pm UTC on 22nd January 2015.

Enter the contest here

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Beasts of war 2014 Gaming Awards Finals

So It was the finals on Sunday bit late posting I know I'm sorry only got chance to watch the show last night. So here is the Video for the finals have a watch before you click the read more link below as i will be discussing my views and opinions on the winners and losers and I don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't seen it

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Beasts of war 2014 Gaming awards

Tomorrow sees the finals of the Beasts of war 2014 gaming awards. For those of u who don't know much about Beasts of war they are a very popular team that bring the latest in wargaming news with their website as well weekly videos such as the weekender, they also every so often have dedicated weeks for certain games systems where they give there views and opinions as well as starter guides and videos to teach you rules and strategy. 

Friday, 2 January 2015

Review: Games & Gears Ichban studio survival kit

I got the Games & Gears Ichban studio survival kit for painting on the go thanks to the fact they are more like a metal pen than a regular paint brush, and therefore more durable for painting away from my workstation at home.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Crooked Dice release Temporal Travellers and 20% off lead

For more Temporal Travelers have arrived from across history. Daisy and May return, now armed to the teeth to repel any extraterrestrial invasion or time-travelling threat. Plus, we have two classic plucky assistants in kinky boot, ready to investigate your chronal calamities, and ultimately get captured. Sculpted by the wonderful Mr Veingart and painted by Simon Bradley.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year New Blog

First off we would like to say happy new year and welcome to noobs and their paint brush, join us as the Noobs learn new Skills and make many mistakes on their journey to become better painters and war gamers. Noobs may come and go, but we are here to help everyone learn from our mistakes and maybe our triumphs on our endless quest.