The minis are some converted beast men riding some wolves/wargs. The very 1st job I had to do when I got the models was to sort out the poor conversions, originally there had been a lot of chopping up of the legs and re positioning in order to get them to go on the wolves but the gaps and miss alignments meant that I had to get my green stuff and sculpting tools out and try and fix them up so they looked better. Sadly this was all done before the blog had even been thought about so I don't have pics for that I'm afraid. Anyways these have taken me a long time to do and quite frankly I don't know why I guess i have been procrastinating a hell of a lot and not been that focused on them as well as other new goodies that have been stealing my time away from this paint project. However they are finally finished and I'm returning them 2 him tomorrow when we meet up for some X-wing practice for our 1st tournament which is what my next few posts should be featuring in the coming weeks. Also our 3rd wave arrived from the Deadzone kickstater so I will have reviews and unboxings of the new peace keepers and the hard plastic enforcers as well as any other bits that's in there.
Ok so onto the painting, my mate said that he had seen a paint scheme that he liked here using the army painter range of paints of which i have never used before. My mate got the undercoat spray and with the paint I have I attempted to replicate the look of the skin tone. Personally I'm not that happy with the way that the skin tone came out and I had worked with my mate to attempt to find the sort of skin tone that he was after and I hope that he is pleased with the skin tone. I really struggled with this sort of colour for skin and it took numerous attempts to get it right.
Also while painting the minis I was having to combat with the paint rubbing off of some previous areas that I had painted which was most frustrating I'm not sure if it was because of the brand of undercoat as previously I had only ever used the GW undercoat sprays and I had never had the trouble that I had with these minis before. I also had a dabble at trying some free hand on the banner what do you think of it? I think its OK there's a couple of mistake on there and I didn't dare try and fix them through fear of ruining it even more. Feel free to give me back some ways I could have improved or any other constructive criticism in the comments below.