The weekend just gone I was at the Huddersfield Show and here are some of the things that was there.
I forgot my camera so all of the pics have been taken with my phone camera.
First, we have a ww2 American something sorry I am not to sure what the vehicle is.
Apocalypse survivors.
Some tractors made of clay.
ww1 soldier.
The great ww1 truce.
Dead pool.
Thunder Bird 4
Cyprus 1956
95th Rifles
The thing.
WW1 British soldier
French Nurse ww1
Very small scene Russian ww2 I think
ww1 British soldier
These are flats.
A classic 1950 American fuel station.
Very small ww2 American tank.
WW2 British on the march
Another Flat (would love to do one at some point.)
WW2 German tank
Some odd but cute minion plans
Again, some more flats.
WW2 American jeep in the woods.
WW1 British tank you may notice the officer from somewhere.
More flats.
American WW2 battle scene.
WW2 German Tank boat.
Was a great show and apart from a stinking cold was a really good time and I look forward to it again next year.
Did anyone else happen to be there or are there any shows in the Northwest that I might not know about please comment below.