Friday, 10 June 2016

Infinity Unboxing: PanOceania Starter

Hey guys, something a bit different this week, we take a look inside the new PanOceania starter box, beware the photo bomb within..
After painting Joan of Arc, I had the bug to maybe look into Infinity, after a demo game I decided to pick up a few models to have a play around with.

The box is a nice shiny finish with high quality miniature paint jobs on it, painted by Angel Giraldez

The miniatures themselves are boxed each in a little bag which keeps all the bits nicely together, between foam which seems to keep them pretty safe.

The box also contains some little tokens you can cut out and use in the game which is neat. The bases are straight sided rather than the bevelled edge GW uses or the round (fillet) edge than PP uses.

Each of the miniatures is shown here, details are sharp and the mould lines are very fine. For some models you seem to get a choice of helmet antenna which is cool.

I assembled the models with a basic sand base and undercoated them in a zenithal style using Army Painter Uniform Grey and ModelMates White. I then gave them a couple of washes with a blue/back wash to bring out the details so we can get a better look!

The models are pretty legit, the grainy-ness is from my rough zethinal undercoat, which would clear with a coat of paint or two! I'll probably try and pick up a couple of games with these guys as they are. Is anyone else painting/playing Infinity lately?

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