Thursday, 23 April 2015

A busy two weeks

Not nothing to be fair last week I was on holiday and on Monday was my Birthday so I have not had much time to sit down and paint. So I thought I would share with you some of the things I got.

Some Vallejo baseing stuff for if I ever get round to finishing a model I now have something to mess it all up with lol.

Spare size 1,2 Windsor newton miniature brush because I use them the most and a can of Testors Dullcote but the label is paper and I ripped it off by mistake.

Angel GiraldeZ Masterclass Volume 1 with model thanks to Brambleten 

And finally I got some of the Base works kits and bits

As well as this I got four Citadel brushes the three dry brushes and stipple a cutting mat and some empty dropper bottles and a 473 ml bottle of Liguitex matte fluid Medium.

But now that things are starting to die down I am getting back into my painting and will have more to show you all soon and would like to say thank you for the feedback that I have had it has been very helpful and I hope it is improving. 


  1. That is a fantastic grouping of goodies! Gonna be some freaking awesome bases!

  2. Might be good in some time I have never done more than green flock so the idea of doing something else is exciting and going to be a challenge. Will have to read up on basing.
