Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Tundra from Wonderlands Project (Mauser Earth) - A Closer Look

So far on A Closer Look, I've been looking at miniatures in the 28-35mm scale. Now though, it's time to move up to 54mm with Tundra, part of the Mauser Earth range currently available through Wonderlands Project.

She comes in a little plastic package as shown above, and a little bag inside that.

Once you get her out of the bag, you have five pieces - Tundra, her right arm, her hammer, a pistol holster and her little crate.

You can pick up Tundra from the Wonderlands Project website for 17.50 Euros, and it's worth keeping an eye on the Wonderlands Project Facebook page as Florian is in the process of of setting up for a Kickstarter campaign.

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