Thursday, 31 December 2015

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Brambleten Paints... ArcWorlde's Father Griffmas - Part 3

Merry Christmas and welcome to Part 3 of Brambleten Paints... Father Griffmas! With Christmas Day passed and the Eavier Metal comp deadline nearing (30th Dec), it's time to get a shift on!

Here he is, as he was at the end of Part 2:

So, pretty much a load of stuff left to do on him. To start off, I decided to work on his base rather than him.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Tis's the Season

We all from Noobs and Their paintbrush would like to wish you all 

Image result for merry christmas

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Monday, 21 December 2015

Goblin Chieftain One Shot from Infamy Miniatures on Kickstarter

Fresh off the back of getting almost all of the Infamy: Welcome To The Big Smoke pledges out the door, it's time for something completely different from Infamy Miniatures - The Goblin Chieftain.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Plating up the Infamy Miniatures Full English Pledge - Part 2: Second Breakfast!

Last week I started unboxing my rather hefty box of resin goodies from the Infamy Miniatures: Welcome To The Big Smoke Kickstarter. This week, we're back for more of the Full English, in what most Hobbits call "Second Breakfast". I have to take their word for this, as I'm 6 foot 4.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Bonnie - Another World Painting Comp Entry.

On the back of doing well with Death in the Purgatory painting contest and getting my "one of everything" pledge from Another World's Indiegogo campaign, I decided to enter the competition that they recently ran.

With all the pieces now announced and on Facebook, I can finally show off my entry - Bonnie.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Plating Up the Infamy Miniatures Full English Pledge - Part 1

It's finally here! After a couple of technical hitches and production delays, almost all of the Infamy: Welcome To The Big Smoke pledges have now been shipped. I'd previously picked up The Infamy Ton and the 54mm Tesla and Sgt Crookes to keep me occupied until my pledge arrived, and in some form of festive miracle, it arrived a couple of days ago.

Before we go any further, this post is very picture heavy - just under 100 images (it was more, but blogger didn't like it!), and shows probably just under half of the miniatures and content that arrived.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Egg Cup Challenge Pt.1

Image result for Egg cup

Wirral Ipms  for our Christmas meeting they set the Egg cup challenge which is to make a model using a polystyrene Egg as part of the model/build.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Brambleten Paints... ArcWorlde's Father Griffmas - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of Brambleten Paints ArcWorlde's Father Griffmas. Today we shall see exactly what happens when I lose mojo and direction.

At the end of Part One, Griffmas had been started, with his flesh mostly done and his hair mid way through.

Since then though, I've lost my focus on painting and haven't really fancied it. Over the last couple of evenings, knowing my deadlines are looming closer (this guy is due before 31st December for the 'Eavier Metal comp) I've sat down with the intention of just picking up the brush and doing something. 

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Saturday, 28 November 2015

The Broken Toad Bust Set - Skin Deep, Paradise Lost and The Wicken King - An Unboxing.

It's a familiar story with me. Company releases shiny things, I try and resist until another shiny thing is released and in the end I break down and buy more shiny things than I intended - the Broken Toad Bust Bundle. 

In this case, I started out just wanting Paradise Lost, but held off. Then it was mentioned to me that I'd really like the next release they had coming out - Skin Deep - and indeed I did like Skin Deep. I went looking at the Broken Toad webstore and decided that while £75 for the two busts I really wanted as alright, £90 for 3 busts sounded a lot better, so I went for the bundle including The Wicken King as well. 

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Saint Peter by Purgatory

As I may have mentioned in passing (or not stopped talking about, depending on how many groups you're stuck in with me), I won the Single Figure category of Purgatory's painting competition for their first miniature, Death.

My prize for winning was a copy of their next figure, St Peter, who arrived earlier this week.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth - An Unboxing

As some of you may know, last weekend Games Workshop released a little box called Betrayal at Calth. A small percentage of people, got excited as it was a new board game from Games Workshop. Most of everyone else got excited because it's the first time we've traveled 10k years into the future-past that is Warhammer 30k in plastic.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Brambleten Paints... ArcWorlde's Father Griffmas - Part 1

Welcome to the first article in my "Brambleten Paints..." Series. The aim of this series, much like Shamikebab's "On The Desk" is to go through the entire process of painting a miniature, broken down into stages. I usually stick to just showing finished content on the blog, but I also want to offer up more paint related content to you guys instead of most of my articles being unboxings of one sort or another (my wallet is relieved to hear this).

So, what better place to start than with a miniature I picked out to paint for the 'Eavier Metal Christmas Painting Comp. The restriction put in place on choosing what to paint was that it must be somewhat related to Christmas, Winter or New Year.

My first thought was to choose The Perfect Present from Kabuki, but I'm also painting a mini for the Another World contest which finishes at the end of November, so didn't want to dive into a scale I hadn't painted before while trying to paint other things as well.

That left my only other Christmas related piece - ArcWorlde's Father Griffmas, from Warploque Miniatures.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Unboxing Luz - New York from Nocturna Models

I had intended to have a post involving some paint up today, but pulling a muscle in my lower back in midweek has meant that I haven't been able to actually put any paint on a model to talk about!

Instead, I've decided to unbox Luz - New York from Nocturna Models for you. She's a 70mm scale model and cast in resin.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Saturday, 31 October 2015

A Black Heart for a Good Cause - Blackheart from Guild Ball

I've mentioned it a couple of times but for the past 6 weeks or so, I've been painting up the limited edition Blackheart from Guild Ball for the Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher fundraiser - Little Heroes for Little Heroes.

It's taken a while, but the Captain of The Union is finally done.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Unwrapping Kabuki's The Perfect Present

With Christmas approaching at a rapid rate (for anyone not aware, that's 8 days after The Force Awakens arrives in UK cinemas) so I thought it was about time I unboxed Kabuki's The Perfect Present.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Cataloging the Collection

This time last month, I detailed my collection of miniatures, which has since been added to. I know most of what I've got in my collection but I thought it would be useful to have a system to identify my painting progress with them.

With that in mind, I've started building a spreadsheet.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Unboxing JoeK's Jason

I'm a big fan of JoeK's Odyssey line (well, actually I'm a fan of most things Brindie) so I jumped at the chance to pick up a Master Cast of the next mini up for release - Jason - when they were offered up at the end of August.

The awesome looking Odyssey range.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Unboxing the Another World Indiegogo Miniatures

I mentioned in my post about the Another World painting contest that I'd picked up miniatures from their Indiegogo campaign, so here they are!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Pipettes - Pennies for Painting Precision

Most of the time, I'm a person that gets given advice, tries it out then I'll go back to my old ways. Occasionally, a really good bit will stick with me and it's one of those things that I'll share now.

When mixing your paint, how do you get it to the right consistency for the task at hand? How do you know exactly what the right mixture is? For a long time, for me the answers to those two questions were "mix in water with a brush" and "not a clue, I'll tell you when I see it".

Over the last few sessions, I've been giving something new a go. Well not new, but new to me. I've been using a pipette :)

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Another World Painting Contest

Another World recently announced that they are holding a painting competition, which closes on 30th November. All of the details can be found in this handy poster...

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Monday, 5 October 2015

Tweaking the Tabs

As you may have noticed over the last few days, we've been having a play with the tabs at the top of the blog. 

When we started up, we thought we had things set out as we wanted them but now we're coming close to 200 articles, it was getting a little tricky to find the right piece occasionally if we didn't have the right labels on them.

With that in mind, we've added a tab for Unboxings and Reviews, along with a tab for our Finished Miniatures

We've got another couple of ideas in the works but nothing else is going to be added immediately.

- Bram

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Brambleten's Hasslefree Binge

 Since the Wamp Workshop and enjoying painting Boudi, I've been thinking about making a Hasslefree order to pick up a few more minis to have a practice with. So, when the newsletter came around saying that there was going to be goody bags on offer, I binged.

Below are photos of every model in that binge. 

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Death by Purgatory - Single Figure Category Winner

As some of you may know, the guys at Purgatory ran a competition to celebrate the release of their first miniature, Death. After picking up one initially then being given one at the Wamp Workshop, I thought it would be a bit silly not to enter. I managed to get her in a couple of days before the deadline (30th September) for my second comp entry of the year (after the Arkham City Limits contest in March) and I found out yesterday that she won her category!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Scale 75 October Releases

Scale 75 have announced their new releases for October and they consist of two Smog Raiders, two lovely 35mm ladies and a 75mm Knight, all of which can now be ordered from the Scale 75 website.