Saturday, 30 April 2016

Showcase - Keysha from Purgatory

It's Purgatory time again! Their third competition closes today, so it's about time I showed off my entry for it. Keysha was Purgatory's third release, and the only regular "trooper" so far - the others are what I'd call bosses or sidekicks.

Anyhow. Keysha. Paint.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Project Fishermen: Part 1

I picked up a few bits for the Fisherman Guild (Guildball) at Salute last weekend, and the paint is going on very easily! Let's take a look..

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Ragnok, Norse Orc Hero Pt 1

I picked this up November last year at the scale model show. and thought it was time to get it out of the to do pile and add it to the small but growing done list.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Showcase - Black Widow

It turns out that I don't have to spend weeks on a project to get something finished! Started and finished in about 12 hours over a couple of Sundays, I got the Black Widow from Knight Models painted up.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Superman Show Case.

It did take longer than the month but with a holiday some times and alot of the time with me things just dont go to plan but now he is done and based thought it was time to share with you all how he turned out.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Monday, 18 April 2016

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Star Vixen from Kabuki Models - Lady Storm Trooper Unboxing

Earlier this year, Kabuki Models (Now Kabuki Studios) released the Star Vixen as the first model in their new Cal 75 Range. Being a rather big Star Wars fan that has so far missed out on every Knight Models Star Wars piece that has popped up on ebay at a reasonable price, she was an insta-buy.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

First Look - Purgatory Salute Releases Unboxed!

A couple of months back, I asked the guys at Purgatory a cheeky question - could I get my Salute order before Salute, so I could put up pretty pictures for people? They said yes, so, despite the best efforts of the postal system, a couple of nice boxes arrived yesterday.

Purgatory have two new models available at Salute - Bobby B, who is a limited Show/Event only model, and Hannibal, who is a standard release. Bobby B will also be available online over event weekends. Both models are resin.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Saturday, 9 April 2016

How To: Pinning and Tab Pinning

I've spent a little time recently building minis from Knight Models to clear some space in my cupboard and decided it might be useful to do a little "How To" on pinning and tab pinning models to bases. A lot of people will already know these, or at least the pinning side, but there are always someone that might not have asked the question yet.

To assist me in this demonstration, I'll be using two versions of Jason Todd - Red Hood (Arkham Knight) and The Arkham Knight.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Army Basing Ideas

Not much progress on Joan of arc yet, but I have been thinking about some new basing ideas for a possible 'evil' army..

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Superman Pt4

Image result for superman

as you can see I have droped the month many because I will be unable to finish it due to a holiday next week and other things.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Flying the Flag for Noobs

We would like to thank 

Javier Gonzalezew

for joining in with flying the flag for noob.

please remember that anyone can join in with this by just taking a picture with our logo in away that shows our hobby.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Q and A with Javier Gonzalez

We are very happy to bring you a Q and A with Javier Gonzelez from Arsies Studio.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Unboxing Hunger & Lust from Broken Toad

While I was wondering through the Asylum Wargaming webstore looking at all the pretty things on there, I spotted that they had added both the Wonderlands Transition set and Hunger & Lust to their Broken Toad range. While I'm not a fan of the Wonderlands stuff (too chaotic and creepy for me in style), I've been thinking about picking up Hunger & Lust since Broken Toad released it. What held me back? Well, I haven't actually done anything with the trio of BT busts I picked up and unboxed back in November. I decided that since I was ordering some Guild Ball stuff, I'd stick the bust in the basket as well, as it would be a few weeks before I'd have to think about finding a place in the cupboard for it.

I was a little surprised to get an email a couple of days later to say that the bust was on it's way as the guys at Asylum had split the order up into stuff they had, and stuff they were waiting on.

The bust arrived on Thursday, complete with Easter Egg and Yorkshire Tea bag - great service from Asylum. 

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Project Generation System - Project 2

Once I finished the first model picked out by my Project Generation System - The Imperial Guard Lord Commissar, I decided that it had worked well enough to carry on and generate a second project. As I'm working on Keysha from Purgatory at the moment as well, this one might be a little slower to get finished.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Joan of Arc : Part 1

It's time for a new project, and this time it's small!

Almost exactly a year ago, at Salute, I picked up a book, that book was Angel Giraldez' Painting Miniatures Vol 1. The book also came with a miniature and now I feel the time is right to have a go at it!