Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Review: seam line scraper

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With this being crazy right now I thought I little review might be better than nothing.

So we will be looking at the Model craft seam scraper.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Scenic Base

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Right first off, this is not a review I just like to add pictures and could not think of one so this other than a scenic base, the story of this was it was ment to be done for the Massive voodoo comp, but as time did not permit I was unable to get it done on time but I still wanted to do it. 

Also, why buy one when you can make one!!

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Show case.

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This has been a great way to learn something new and doing something that started as a playing with colour I feel turned out to be a good finished model.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pt 3.

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He once said "I'll be back" and now I am to finish him off!! 

(I know it's a bad pun)

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pt 2.

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I do understand this is not an official part two, because of the fact I did not really do a part one, but because I enjoy the work on was doing on it from the post Enough is Enough I thought I would finish it official even though it is an off cast and I did not sort out mold line and that's because I did not plan to finish I wanted to use it as a play model so to speak, but anyway here we go to finsih it.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

GhostBusters Echo 1A Showcase.

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Have to apoligise for the poor picture I do not have a set up at this time to take pics of lager models.
Also would like to do a big thanks to Dave watts who done the base for the model. anyway enjoy.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Commission build mustang mach 1

On Wirral ipms group page it was offered for someone to build this car for a lady whose husband had passed away but had to be built within 9 days,pics show various points of build this is 4 days in.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Ghostbusters Echo 1a Pt 2.

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With a new Echo arrived and my mistake behind me its time to crack on and get this done so I can do what I really like figures!

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Sutton Coldfield Show.

This would be my second year going to this show and here are only some of the models on show again sorry that I do not know the names of plans and tanks but I'll give it ago.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Wombourne Show


(I know the Picture is out of date, but the show is not.)

This show was a lot smaller then what I thought, but there were models to take pictures of and everyone was very nice and it was a good show!

And here they are.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Ghostbusters Echo 1a.

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With Talford round the corner, its time for building the model for the table and this year because its the 30th anniversary of the club it was decided that the theme would be the 80's so anything that's related to the 80's I went for the Echo 1a and here we go!

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Time For a little review.

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People may or may not know that I have been on a mission for a while for cheap hobby paint that is as good as the paints we get from Gw and so on, this time I was on Ebay looking for something else and came across a paint called Royal Langnickel crafters choice and thought I would give it ago as it was not that expensive. So come and have a look and see how it is.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Being pulled this way and that!

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Ever had the feeling you even though you are doing lots nothing seems to be getting done.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Enough is Enough!!!

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Have you ever looked at something online and gone, I love that why don't mine look like that.

I did and thought I would do something about it.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Midland Model Expo

Midland Expo

I first went to this show last year and this year was the last (not my fault at least I don't think so)

So come and have a look at what was on show. 

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Happy Monk the final update.

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This is the last update as it's only finishing touches and time to take pics, and as on sunday I am off to the Birmingham show next week will be the pics of that. 

But at the moment this is how things as looking.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Happy Monk Pt 9.

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This is a project that I know has been dragging on and that might be because this has a massive undertaking for my skills also there has been some mojo issues with it and my fault because I am not a fan of having two or three projects on the go at the same time in my head that's the way things might take years to complete when it could take a few weeks of focus.

But work has been made on the monk and I have been working on the trying to make the light direction add up on all the model and doing the skin.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Group Build.

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Every few months there is a group build at our club which I have to admit I don't normally bother with as I don't build tanks or ships this time however I was handed a kit and told I really should do one. Have to admit I did push it to the back of my mind and was trying to figure out if I wanted to do it, then it dawned on me that a future build I wish to do has decals and I have not done them since I was a kid making red arrows and spitfires with my dad, so this would be good practice on how to do it and if I mess up its ok. 

So this week its a post about me bodging a kit to practice decals.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Happy Monk Pt 8.

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I have to admit the last week has been very busy and time for painting or posting has been hard, but I am fighting back and getting back to the brush and progress is happening.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Travel upgrade time.

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Have to admit this has nothing to do with getting upgraded to first or anything about how I or you decide the best way, just that I felt I needed to upgrade how I transport my painting things around and at the same time increase the amount I am able to take.